Negrism and negritude in the history of Brazilian popular music: between texts and songs


  • Juliano Nogueira de Almeida CEFET ‒ Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica ‒ Estudos de Linguagens ‒ Belo Horizonte ‒ MG ‒ Brasil


Brazilian-black, Ethnicity, Song,


The paper aims to discuss issues related to negrism and the aesthetics of blackness. For that, I take as object the phonographic and bibliographic series História da Música Popular Brasileira, launched by Abril Cultural, in 1970. It is possible to note the nuances of the discourse on the Brazilian black culture established by the editorial staff of the collection and its specialists in it, even if the images on the black are observed obliquely in relation to the whole of the work. On the other hand, the musicians and performers honored by the collection through their speech and their song productions performatized their ethnicity, having as recurring element issues related to blackness and afro-Brazilianness.

Author Biography

Juliano Nogueira de Almeida, CEFET ‒ Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica ‒ Estudos de Linguagens ‒ Belo Horizonte ‒ MG ‒ Brasil

Doutorando em Estudos de Linguagens pelo CEFET-MG; Mestre em Estudos de Linguagens pelo CEFET-MG; Especialista em História da Cultura e da Arte pela UFMG; Graduado em História pela UFV





Brazilian Black Literature