Virginia Woolf and the Gothic


  • Maria Aparecida de Oliveira UFAC ‒ Universidade Federal do Acre ‒ Departamento de Letras-Inglês ‒ Rio Branco ‒ AC


Female gothic, Ghosts, Gothic, Supernatural, Virginia Woolf,


The current paper aims at investigating the relation between the English writer Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) and the Gothic and its aspects. First of all, Virginia Woolf wrote an article on the gothic romance in 1921, in which she analyses the book The tale of terror, written by Edith Birkhead and published in 1921. In the same year, Virginia Woolf also wrote another article on “Henry James’s ghost stories” in which she investigates Henry James’s mastery in building his ghostly stories. The text “The supernatural in fiction” was written in 1917, in which Woolf examines the book The Supernatural in the Modern English fiction, by Dorothy Scarborough. At last, it aims at exploring how Woolf makes use of the supernatural, one of the aspects of the Gothic, in her fiction, such as in “Kew Gardens”, “A haunted house”, “The widow and the parrot”, To the lighthouse, “The mysterious case of Miss V.” and “The lady in the looking-glass: A reflection”. As for theoretical framework, the text will be based on the ideas of Diana Wallace e Andrew Smith in The female gothic: New directions and Donna Heiland in Gothic and Gender: An introduction.

Author Biography

Maria Aparecida de Oliveira, UFAC ‒ Universidade Federal do Acre ‒ Departamento de Letras-Inglês ‒ Rio Branco ‒ AC

Maria A. Oliveira has been a professor at the Federal University of Acre since 2013, teaching courses on English Literature, British Theater and Postcolonial Literature. Her dissertation: “Women Representation on Virginia Woolf’s Works: A Dialogue between her political and aesthetic discourse” was published by Paco Editorial in Brazil in 2017 and the translation in English was published by Lamberg in the same year. She is preparing a Spanish translation for 2018. She has written articles on Woolf and Whitman, Woolf and Elizabeth Bishop, Woolf and Clarice Lispector, Woolf and Victoria Ocampo. She is currently working on her postdoc project at the University of Toronto on Woolf and the Brazilian Women Writers. Two of her articles “Thinking Back Through Our Brazilian Mothers” and “Virginia Woolf and Victoria Ocampo: A Brazilian perspective” were published in the Selected Papers of 22nd and 25th International Conference on Virginia Woolf.





The Gothic and Women