Gothic Imaginary and Political Intentionality in José Mármol’s Amalia


  • Carlos Ferrer Plaza UFV ‒ Universidade Federal de Viçosa ‒ Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes ‒ Departamento de Letras ‒ Viçosa ‒ MG


Amalia, Gothic Literature, José Mármol, Juan Manuel de Rosas,


The literary works by the Argentinian romantic writers of the so-called “Generation of 37” may be largely explained in terms of the political evolution of the caudillo Juan Manuel de Rosas. José Mármol’s Amalia (1855), stands out as one of the most representative texts produced by these authors. The present article aims to analyze the author’s use of an aesthetic based on themes, motifs and symbols extracted from the imaginary of nineteenth-century Gothic literature with the political goal of creating a national image built on the rejection of Juan Manuel de Rosas. Therefore, this article will analyze the narrative procedures through which the heroine Amalia and the anti-hero Rosas become catalysts of the dichotomous tension that sustains the novel aesthetically and ideologically: civilization against barbarism.

Author Biography

Carlos Ferrer Plaza, UFV ‒ Universidade Federal de Viçosa ‒ Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes ‒ Departamento de Letras ‒ Viçosa ‒ MG

Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Letras da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Área: Literatura em língua espanhola.





The Gothic and Women