Consolidating the critical fortune of Maria Firmina dos Reis: a preliminary evaluation of dissertations and academic theses about the author developed in Brazilian postgraduate programs in the last thirty years (1987-2016)
Dissertations and theses, Literature review, Maria Firmina dos Reis, 1987-2016,Abstract
This article aims to review the academic studies that are dedicated to analyzing certain aspects that permeate the life and work of Maria Firmina dos Reis (1822-1917), considered the first abolitionist novelist of the Portuguese language, with the publication of Úrsula, in 1859, in the city of São Luís do Maranhão. To do so, a search was made at the Bank of Thesis and Dissertations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (Capes), using the terms “Maria Firmina dos Reis”, “Maria Firmina” and “Firmina dos Reis”. The final amount included in the analysis consists of 22 papers, 4 theses and 18 dissertations, which have been developed since 1987, the year in which the first study of this kind was defended in the country.
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