Rogerio Duprat’s music in Walter Hugo Khouri’s filmography: Noite vazia and As amorosas
As amorosas, Cinema Novo, Noite vazia, Rogério Duprat, Walter Hugo Khouri,Abstract
Based on Rogério Duprat ‘s original score (1932 - 2006) and recent publications on Brazilian cinema of the 1960s, this text seeks to investigate the technical and artistic procedures adopted by the composer in recording the soundtrack of the films Noite vazia (1964) and As amorosas (1968). Based on the testimonies of the professionals involved in the recording and editing of the works, we also seek to reveal some aspects of the political and artistic issues evidenced in a period of censorship and repression of individual freedoms in which Brazilian composers linked to concrete music, electronic music, and popular music collaborated effectively in the transformations of Brazilian cinematography.
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