From the point of view of the forest
An interview with Lúcia Sá
Lúcia Sá is a full professor of Brazilian Studies at the University of Manchester (United Kingdom), having previously taught at Stanford University (United States), Mackenzie University (São Paulo), and Pontifical Catholic University (São Paulo). She was also a visiting professor at the University of São Paulo, ENAH (Mexico), University of Lisbon (Portugal), New College of California, and Oberlin College (United States). She is the author of Life in the megalopolis: Mexico City and São Paulo (Routledge, 2007) and Literaturas da floresta – textos amazônicos e cultura latino-americana (Editora da UERJ, 2012, Brazilian edition of Rain Forest Literatures: Amazonian Texts and Latin American Culture, University of MinnesotaPress, 2004). A significant part of her work focuses on the cultural production of the Amerindian traditions of the Amazon Rainforest and the plains of South America. Literaturas da floresta – textos amazônicos e cultura latino-americana helps us to understand how indigenous texts were appropriated by Brazilian and Latin American writers from the 19th and 20th centuries, drawing attention to possibilities of analysis still little explored by literary and cultural criticism.
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