Postcolonial literature and literature of migratory flows

differences, confluences, continuations



Postcolonial literature, Literature of migratory flows, Confluences


Postcolonial literature and literature of migratory flows have in common a position on the margins of hegemonic productions, both in the field of literature and in literary criticism. Although their affiliations and discursive projects are different, they share questions, concerns, and the effort to innovate the narratives that configure the social reality in which they circulate. In this sense, this article seeks to reflect on differences, confluences, and continuations in the construction of narratives representing these two literary contexts, focusing on social dynamics around (1) nation and power, (2) identity and intersections, and (3) language and perception. To this end, it discusses contributions from postcolonial and decolonial theorists.

Author Biography

Dionei Mathias, UFSM – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – Santa Maria – RS – Brasil.

Doutorado em Letras pela Universität Hamburg e pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Professor no Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas  e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, da UFSM.





Postcolonial literatures and the shapes of the contemporary