Utopias in times of covid
the chronicles of Dina Salústio
Chronicle, Covid-19, Utopia, MediaAbstract
In the present of uncertainties due to the dissemination of covid-19, the media has a fundamental role in the diffusion of bulletins about the disease. In this universe, is it possible for the chronicler to offer the reader a resizing of reality through utopias? In order to discuss this issue, this article will discuss some texts published by Cape Verdean writer Dina Salústio, in the virtual press, through the observation of the discursive perspective that sets the country’s literary sphere in the search for the constitution of Cape Verde’s identity. Therefore, even though the context does not point to more objective exits or directions, facing the disease and the naked problems, the artist’s discursive position demonstrates that there are possibilities for the construction of utopias.
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