The (in)justice on the scene
considerations on the antibourgeois theater of Manuel Laranjeira
Portuguese theater, Manuel Laranjeira, Naturalism, Isolated characterAbstract
With regard to two naturalist dramatic plays by the Portuguese writer Manuel Laranjeira (1877-1912) – Amanhã (1902) and Às feras (1905) –, this article articulates reflections on the boundaries between naturalist theater and modern theater properly said, more intimate. The idea that guided the research is that, in the theater, the naturalist aesthetic, with its vocation to unveil social ills and psychic degenerations, opened the paths of the modern “dramaturgy of the self”, which precisely against naturalism would come to still rise up at the end of the 19th century, composing introspective and self-centered protagonists, which, according to our reading, are products of the dehumanization provoked by the way of life imposed by the capitalist system of production and by its post-bourgeois revolution consolidation, throughout of the 19th century.
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