Bodies and parties

an essay about the female body in “O ponto do marido” by Carmen Maria Machado


  • Pâmela Nogarotto UFPR – Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes – Departamento de Letras – Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários. Curitiba – PR – Brasil.



Body, Contemporary literature, Feminist literary criticism, Realism


This essay focuses on the representation of the female body in the short story O ponto do marido (The husband stitches) by Carmen Maria Machado. The author uses aesthetic resources that invite the reader to become physically involved with the text, in addition to resorting to mise en abyme to bring American popular stories of female bodies in tragic situations. This will be thought of as corps en abyme. Based on the idea that literature itself is a body, the argument is that the denial of what is canonical in the body-text is intertwined with the radicalization of the female body in writing by female authors such as Carmen Maria Machado’s. This reading will be based on Feminist Theory (CONBOY et al., 1997) and Feminist Literary Criticism (FELSKI, 2003).

