The woman in the short story “História cândida” by Raul Pompeia
Character, Woman, Short story, Irony, Raul PompeiaAbstract
In order to pay attention to Raul Pompeia’s storytelling, this paper analyses the short story “História cândida”. For this, it is based mainly on the idea of David Baguley (1995) that there are naturalisms in literature. Then, it recognizes that the literary production of this writer presents a particular naturalism. In addition, it breaks with the documentary character and its narratives are permanently current. By means of analysis of the protagonist of the plot, it is verified the peculiar way of Pompeia to tell stories about daily events, with a very much ironic prose, which traces a tragic and disillusioned vision of the feminine condition in 19th century, perpassed by questions of gender, race and class, that still continue in contemporary Brazil.
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