Criticism of the autodiegetic works of Eça de Queirós in the twentieth century
XX century criticism, Self-diegetic Narrator, Eça de Queiroz, The Relic, The MandarimAbstract
From the reading of the whole criticism that has been focused on the Eça de Queiroz’s work since the twentieth century, it is possible to verify that, in general, not much time has been devoted to the analysis of his self-denigrating works, namely The Mandarin (1880) and The Relic (1887). The reasons for the discredit of these works may be various and old, of which some will be analyzed here. Once this is done, this study aims to present and rescue the various analyzes of the main Queirosian critics about the author’s autodiegetic work and present the new critical perspectives that have sought to position these works by Eça de Queirós in the list of Queirozian works.
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