Amanhã amadrugada 30 years
Vera Duarte’s literature from Cape Verde to the world
Amanhã amadrugada, Vera Duarte, Cape Verdean Literature, Poetry, World LiteratureAbstract
Vera Duarte, Cape Verdean writer, completes 30 years of career. She began her literary career with Amanhã amadrugada, poetry written by women, which addressed, as its main theme, resistance to the patriarchal order and the emancipation of women. Colonialism, Cape Verde’s political independence, the world situation and contemporary times are also vectors of her work, whose starting point is the 1993 book, which we present here. From the feminine struggles (and not only) of her small island country to the convulsions that are ravaging the world (wars, famines, hatred) Vera Duarte’s text moves, projecting Creole issues to a planetary dimension.
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