Francisco Gomes de Amorim’s production on emigration in periodics And letters from the 19th century
Francisco Gomes de Amorim, Correspondence, Periodics, Amazonia, EmigrationAbstract
Francisco Gomes de Amorim (1827-1891), a Portuguese writer who emigrated to Amazonia in 1837, he lived several experiences that were later reported on his literary production and in the various contributions he made to periodicals, as well as in correspondence exchanges with his contemporaries. According to a compilation carried out by Costa Carvalho (2000), and in files available in Póvoa de Varzim, we can affirm that Gomes de Amorim had a broad vision on the themes he favored. Acording to a possible perspective for the 19th century, the author brought to light discussions that were boiling at that time, such as the social inequalities he experienced in Amazonia and the experience of Portuguese emigration to Brazil.
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