Issues of mentality in contemporary Portuguese literature
Revolução dos Cravos in the long-term
Contemporary Portuguese Literature, Revolução dos Cravos, Post-April 25th, Long term, ColonialityAbstract
April 25, 1974 became a landmark that transcended political change, affecting several areas of Portuguese life, especially when added to the end of the Estado Novo and the decolonization of African territories in 1975. Literature immediately after 74/ 75 played a crucial role in unveiling the repressive practices of the Estado Novo, the violence of the Colonial War, etc. Fifty years after the Revolution, the question that arises is which themes were effectively faced, in society and in contemporary literature. To what extent, the mentality, especially that of a colonialist nature, is seen in the long duration of the Revolution. Beyond the returnees and the Colonial War, how to read other memories, diasporic ones, in the current Portuguese context.
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