The quota law and its impacts in teaching Portuguese literature


  • Larissa da Silva Lisboa Souza UFLA – Universidade Federal de Lavras – Faculdade de Ciências Humanas, Educação e Linguagens (FAELCH). Lavras – MG – Brasil



Literature, Racial Quotas, Curriculum, Portuguese literature


This article aims to reflect on curricular reformulations in the teaching of Portuguese literature, focusing on students covered by the Racial Quotas (12.711/12 and 14.723/23). As part of the discussions related to the permanence of these students, some reading strategies are fundamental to the interpretation of the texts, as well as the dynamics of the subjects. From this perspective, legitimizing different readings, especially regarding literary tradition as a possibility for reinterpreting the colonial past, would promote the promotion of literary reading in its differences, in order to integrate the quota student. Therefore, based on specific data from the Federal University of Lavras, in Minas Gerais, related to the high number of dropouts of these students, in addition to discussions regarding the problems related to the teaching of this literature, from Basic Education, the proposed discussions intend to contribute to new guidelines, such as promoting the debate of ideas that subvert fixed curricula and belonging to visions about idealized students and, consequently, distant from the realities experienced in Universities.

