Contemporary portuguese fiction

an analysis of “Grande Turismo” by João Pedro Vala


  • Thaíla Moura Cabral Bolsista CNPq. Doutoranda em Literatura Portuguesa - UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Faculdade de Letras – Departamento de Letras Vernáculas – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Vernáculas. Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil



Contemporary Portuguese Fiction, Grande Turismo, João Pedro Vala, Autofiction


Grande Turismo (2022) is the debut novel by João Pedro Vala, a contributor to contemporary Portuguese fiction. The book raises questions regarding its textual genre, starting with the phrase on the cover: ‘probably a novel.’ Analyzing the structure of the work, it becomes evident that the division of chapters suggests a collection of short stories centered on the narrator-character, João Pedro Vala; however, a holistic reading of these chapters reveals a complexity that transcends this structure, possibly indicating the work as a novel. Furthermore, the narrative consistently addresses issues related to autofiction, identity, and reflections on the craft of writing. In light of this, this article aims to explore how these elements manifest in the writing and art of the novel within contemporary Portuguese fiction by analyzing Grande Turismo through the theoretical frameworks of Gabriela Silva and Jorge Vicente Valentim (2021), Anna Faedrich (2016), Zygmunt Bauman (2005), Orhan Pamuk (2010), among others.

