Edgar Allan Poe and Machado de Assis: intertextuality and identity
Edgar Allan Poe, Machado, Short stories, Intertextuality, Identity,Abstract
Much has been published and discussed in relation to Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories and aesthetic theories. The same may be said of the 19th century Brazilian novelist, short story writer, poet and journalist Machado de Assis. Although some academic studies and publications in Brazil refer to the possible influence of Poe’s stories and theories in Machado de Assis’ production, a deeper study into the way Machado actually may have read and subverted Poe’s writings so as to fit within his own literary project still needs to be carried on. If both authors privileged the short story as a genre par excellence to portray the individuals in moments of crisis, if both dedicated much time to publishing those stories in newspapers and magazines, their scope of themes and literary procedures often diverged. This paper, therefore, aims at discussing up to what extent Machado actually incorporated Poe’s imagery, topoi and aesthetics into his own literary project. For that purpose, two broad aspects of Poe’s and Machado’s short stories will be addressed: the universe of mind and humor.Downloads
Comparative literature
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