The function of the letters in l’Histoire d’Adele H. by François Truffaut (1975)
Literature, Cinema, Destination, François Truffaut,Abstract
This essay is a result of an ongoing study on writing and the function of the letters in François Truffaut’s work. If his films have been quite commented and if the theme of the letter has already been analyzed, this has never been done in a systematic way. Our working hypothesis is to consider the letter – term to be understood in all its polysemy – as an essential element of the reflexive dimension of Truffaut’s films which critics have never mentioned. Just like one of his masters – Hitchcock – Truffaut is both a filmmaker aimed at the general public as an author who puts into play the specificity of cinematic representation. Through his art, Truffaut also inherits from his adoptive father – André Bazin – the way opened by him as a thinker of cinema.Downloads
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