The tillage and the garden: the chords of the song dialogized in the prose of Raduan Nassar
Lavoura arcaica, The Song of the Songs, Dialogism, Poetic biblical,Abstract
One of the oldest and most beautiful chants of natural’s love celebration between a man and a woman (it is if we get rid of any allegoric reading of the hebraic poem), The Song of the Songs offer truthly ruined and problematised images to talk about the main character’s incestuous passion of Lavoura arcaica. The sister’s body is also garden, tillage and when praised is grown and will cause the father’s rage and the family’s shattering. We could say it is a poisoned poetry to understand the manipulation of the poetic images which in relation to The Song can help the main character to reveal the paternity’s disorder. The metaphors become a stage of fight in which two orders dispute the hegemony: the law and the desire. The main goal of this work, which is part of the research we developed at the doctorate, is to analyze how the symbols and images of the Chant enter dialogically in Andre’s torrential voice and become indexes of ideological positions, to talk about consonance with Bakhtin’s Circle ideas.Downloads
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