Passer-Afro-Brazilian Portuguese: the identity formation on José Saramago’s A jangada de pedra, Mia Couto’s Terra sonâmbula and João Ubaldo Ribeiro’s Diário ao farol
Trip, Identity, Compared literature,Abstract
This work has as objective appears for the problem of the identity and their forms assumed in the romances A jangada de pedra of José Saramago, Diário ao farol to João Ubaldo Ribeiro and Terra sonâmbula of Mia Couto, once such reference is appealing in the three mentioned authors’ texts. Like this, our intention seeks to an analytical and interpretative study of the three with the purpose of to discover and to point possible similarities and differences among the narratives in subject, their forms of visualizing the identity of those people of disparate cultures and, at the same time, so close. In short, the present text seeks her/it a work of critical and comparative nature of the works in the mentioned way writers prose to approximate the texts with respect to linked aspects to the identity, searching their possibilities and functions.Downloads
Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa
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