Post-colonial lyrics: poetic expressions in Sao Tome and Principe


  • Anselmo Peres Alós UFSM – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Centro de Artes e Letras – Departamento de Letras Vernáculas. Santa Maria – RS – Brasil. 97105-900


São Tomé and Príncipe, Literature, Foundational poetics, Post-colonialism, Lusophony,


This paper aims to analyze some aspects of São Tomé and Príncipe’s poetry, particularly the works of Francisco José Tenreiro, Alda do Espírito Santo and Maria Manuela Margarido, foundational voices when it comes to the poetry of this country. It is made here a reflection about the post-colonial memories and imaginary in the field of poetic writing. It is tried to understand the ways in which this poetry can collaborate for a decolonization of the imaginary in the literatures of the Portuguese ex-colonies, giving special attention to the case of São Tomé and Príncipe. The dialogical aspects between margins and center when it comes to the African poetry written in Portuguese are also observed in their relations with the post-colonial contingences.



Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa