25 Photograms: the interface literature/cinema in the novel O fotógrafo, by Cristóvão Tezza


  • Barbara Cristina Marques UEL – Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Centro de Letras e Ciências Humanas – Departamento de Letras Vernáculas e Clássicas. Londrina – PR – Brasil.


Literature, Cinema, Fragment, Cinematographic montage,


This work proposes to study the relation (or the interface) between literature and cinema in the novel O fotógrafo (2004), by Cristóvão Tezza. There is a visual power in this novel, in which it is possible to recognize a kind of cinematic quality. In this sense, we aimed to observe, among other things, which elements can be associated to cinematographic language, specially the ones that relate to the use of montage as an element responsible for arranging, and, therefore, ‘organizing’ the apparently loose scenes in the plot.



Literatura & Cinema