Popular music and mass culture in Luis Rafael Sánchez’s novel La importancia de llamarse Daniel Santos
Luis Rafael Sánchez, Hybridization, Mass culture, Latin American novel, Latin American post-boom,Abstract
This article aims at analyzing the structural hybridization found in the configuration of La importancia de llamarse Daniel Santos, a novel by Luis Rafael Sánchez, focusing on the dialogic processes established with the Latin American romantic popular music, specially the bolero, and also emphasizing the fictional recreation of factual elements taken from the author experiences as an appraiser of Mass Culture products, which, however, are transposed to the structure of this novel without taking the shape of autobiographical elements. So, the narrative presents a critical reading of the general context of the mass cultural products in Latin America in the 1980’s, while Sánchez claims the critical and expressive potential of those products for the literary narrative.
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