Space, recognition and identity


  • Leonardo Alexander do Carmo Silva Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 – École Doctorale 122 – Europe Latine, Amérique Latine ; Centre de Recherches sur les Pays Lusophones (CREPAL) – Paris


Clarice Lispector, Identity, Marguerite Duras, Space, Recognition,


The novels Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein, by Marguerite Duras, and A paixão segundo G.H., by Clarice Lispector, are built around two major events, two moments of transformation for the protagonists. For Lol V. Stein, it is the “abduction” of her fiancé by Anne-Marie Stretter, during a ball at T. Beach. For G. H., it is the vision of a cockroach in the maid’s room which results in a true existentialist adventure. These two events have devastating consequences for both characters. Their paths are characterized by the loss or dissolution of identity. The way the two women occupy space in the novels reveals their identity crisis, their livelihoods and their inner worlds.

Author Biography

Leonardo Alexander do Carmo Silva, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 – École Doctorale 122 – Europe Latine, Amérique Latine ; Centre de Recherches sur les Pays Lusophones (CREPAL) – Paris

Doutorando em Estudos do Mundo Lusófono (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, École Doctorale 122 – Europe Latine, Amérique Latine ; Centre de Recherches sur les Pays Lusophones - CREPAL). Mestre em Literatura Comparada (pela Université Paris-Sorbonne) e mestre em Estudos Lusófonos (pela Université Sorbonne Nouvelle).





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