Critical lyricism and poetic modernity: a dialogue between Stéphane Mallarmé and Jean-Michel Maulpoix


  • Erica Milaneze UNICAMP ‒ Universidade Estadual de Campinas ‒ Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem ‒ Departamento de Teoria Literária ‒ Campinas ‒ SP


Contemporary poetry, Critical lyricism, French poetry, Mallarmé, Maulpoix,


In the diversified context of contemporary French poetry, critical lyricism expresses a recovery of lyric poetry in opposition to neo-avant-garde trends and post-poetry, supported in literalness. The essays and poetic works of Jean-Michel Maulpoix are representatives of this poetic strand which shows that the lyricism does not turn anymore, in the contemporary context, to the expression of an exalted interiority and the quest for the absolute. Moreover, the critical lyricism makes a rereading of poetic modernity, particularly the work of Stéphane Mallarmé, searching for critically dialoguing with a literary past.

Author Biography

Erica Milaneze, UNICAMP ‒ Universidade Estadual de Campinas ‒ Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem ‒ Departamento de Teoria Literária ‒ Campinas ‒ SP

Doutora em Letras - Estudos literários, pela FCLAR. / UNESP. Pós-doutoranda em Teoria e História literária e professora colaboradora, no Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) - Departamento de Teoria literária - UNICAMP - Campinas - SP - Brasil. Áreas: literatura contemporânea; literatura francesa; teoria literária.




