Sand identities, arid displacements: Joca Reiners Terron’s novel in view of the performances of genders


  • Jacob dos Santos Biziak IFPR − Instituto Federal do Paraná − Campus Palmas − Colegiado de Letras − Palmas − PR


Discourse, Displacements, Genders, Joca Reiners Terron, Novelistic fiction,


The novelistic fiction Do fundo do poço se vê a lua, by Joca Reiners Terron, brings as one of its central thematic elements the transsexual experience of one of its protagonists. Such representation, discursively produced, is allied to a constant displacement of the characters, space and time, which can be more interesting as it allows us to think of the novel in line with the identity of gender performances. In this sense, considering a theoretical articulation among central authors such as Bakhtin, Judith Butler and Derrida, we understand that the operation of diegetic discourse may nurture the reading perspective of gender as discursive genre.

Author Biography

Jacob dos Santos Biziak, IFPR − Instituto Federal do Paraná − Campus Palmas − Colegiado de Letras − Palmas − PR

Doutorado EM ESTUDOS LITERÁRIOS. Pós doutorando pela USP.





Borders and displacements in brazilian literature