Settings of space in Carlos Heitor Cony’s novel The house of the tragic poet


  • Maria Célia Martirani Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Faculdade de Letras, Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas, Curitiba, Paraná


Carlos Heitor Cony, Novel, Poetics, Space, Time,


This study aims to verify how the spaces are configured in Carlos Heitor Cony’s novel The house of the tragic poet (2005). The critics usually reiterate as one of the dominant tonics in the vast fictional production of this author “a poetics of time”, in which the existentialist issues of Sartrean ideas induce reflections on the inexorability of the wearing of man in his precarious condition, which is the eternal “nausea” to know condemned to the freedom of the temporal circumstances in which he is inserted. It is also necessary to emphasize how this temporal problem is enhanced through procedural features, articulated in a real “poetics of space” (BACHELARD, 1988). Rather than emphasizing the symbolic significance of the meanings of space in the famous writer’s work, what is intended here is to invest in a proposal of overthrowing the static notions of “concreteness” of space, as proposed by Massey (2008) in For the space: a new politics of spatiality and Brandão (2015) in “Espaços-limite na literatura contemporânea”.

Author Biography

Maria Célia Martirani, Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Faculdade de Letras, Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas, Curitiba, Paraná

Maria Célia Martirani Bernardi Fantin (Maria Célia Martirani) , doutora em Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada (FFLCH - USP); foi professora de Lingua e literatura Italiana no DELEM  (UFPR). Especialista em Literatura Comparada, Literatura Italiana Contemporânea, Tradutora; atualmente inscrita no Programa de Pós- Graduação - Pós- Doutorado em Estudos Literários da UFPR, atua como pesquisadora e trabalha com as representações cinematográficas italianas contemporâneas sobre a condição do migrante.





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