The Leminskian transcreation of Petronius’ Satyricon: poems
Make it new, Paulo Leminski, Satyricon, Transcreation,Abstract
In the present work it is intended, from the analysis of the translation of Petronius’ Satyricon (first part poems, chapters I to XXVI) by the poet Paulo Leminski, to analyze the choices and freedoms adopted by the translator. The analysis will take into account the process of re-creation of the starting work, established by the translator through the use of the Poundian ‘make it new’ and following his own theoretical convictions, which were transmitted to Regis Bonvicino by letters, saying that the translation of poetry must contain the surprise rate of the original text, “discreating” to reproduce material effects as well. We’ll point out, therefore, the way Paulo Leminski found the chance to express the interests of his time, recovering his own style and finally making a marginal romance inspired by Petronius’ Latin work.
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