Perhaps skeptical: Borges and the esthetics of disturbance
Borges, Epoché, Esthetic phenomenon, Skepticism, Taraxia,Abstract
This article investigates the esthetic qualities of Jorge Luis Borges’s (1899-1986) skepticism. The study stars with a quotation from Otras inquisiciones (1952), in which Borges attributes his own esthetical approach of philosophical and religious texts, perhaps, to an essential skepticism. The essay “La muralla e los libros” is fundamental to the study; it allows to compare the esthetic phenomenon, according to Borges, to the skeptical suspension of judgment (epoché). The conclusion is that, differently from the Pyrrhonists, Borges’s skepticism does not undertake a quest for tranquility (ataraxia), but for the preservation of disturbance (taraxia).Downloads
Classics: translation and reception
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