Macunaíma and the Brazilian decolonization report


  • Daniel Vecchio Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Colonialism, Identity, Journey, Myth,


In the works of Mario de Andrade, although they emerged decades before the first cultural and literary studies that addressed the issue of post-colonial journey, the great need of the author to revise the identity issues forged by the colonial past of Brazil is revealed. Therefore, always focusing on the reasons for travel, this study will look at issues related to literature in dialogue with the Eurocentric representations of the observed lands registered in documents, delineating, with Macunaíma, our borders of discourse and identity. For this, we aim not to approximate such work to a particular variant of the heroic myth or to a synthesis of cultures, readings already extensively developed in many studies, but we will take it as a refresher of historical discourse in the modern context, taking into account the intertexts with reports and chronicles of the voyages of discovery of the Portuguese America.

Author Biography

Daniel Vecchio, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Daniel Vecchio Alves possui graduação em História (2010) pela Universidade Federal de Viçosa-MG (2010) e é mestre em Letras (Estudos Literários) pela mesma instituição (2013). Atualmente é doutorando em História Cultural pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Seu interesse abrange os estudos sobre Teoria Literária, a Literatura Portuguesa de Viagens, a História e a Historiografia dos Descobrimentos, fazendo parte de grupos de pesquisa como o NEP (Núcleo de Estudos Portugueses da UFV) e o Mare Liberum (Centro de Estudos e Referências sobre a Cartografia Histórica da Unicamp).





Borders and displacements in brazilian literature