Tecnological innovations and new forms of work social control: the experience of the tobacco industry in the <i>triângulo mineiro</i> region


  • Fabiana Santana Previtalli UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia/Uberlândia - MG
  • Andréia Farina de Faria UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista/Araraquara - SP




Work, Qualification, Tobacco production


The objective of the work is to discuss the relation between new technologies, work and education, inquiring the different dimensions among organization and control of the work, training and professional qualification. Our focus consists in analyze, starting from a case study accomplished in the tobacco sector in Uberlândia / MG in the 2005-2007 period, how a group of new qualifications and abilities demanded by the companies is implicating in a increase of worker's autonomy in the factory ground (BRESCIANI, 2001) and reverting the extreme division among conception and execution of the work, principal element of the taylorist-fordist accumulation model or if, to the opposite, they potentiate, through new mechanisms, the capital control over the work. Initially we considered the work and the workers formation at the marxist theory for, after that, discuss the issue of the science and of the technology as main productive forces. Concluding with the debate about the innovations introduction in the tobacco industry.


