The rural migrant labor in the agribusiness of citrus fields and sugar cane fields: a viewpoint of the central administartive region of the Sao Paulo state


  • Giovana Gonçalves Pereira Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas – SP – Brasil.
  • Rosemeire Salata Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Araraquara – SP – Brasil.



Migrant Rural Workers, Internal Migration, Central Administrative Region,


The present article has as main objective to discuss the recent dynamics of rural migrant work linked to citrus and sugarcane complexes. The empirical universe of our analysis are municipalities of the Central Administrative Region of the State of São Paulo, considering that the rural and urban spaces of this region have their social, economic and population dynamics closely linked to the migratory processes and the productive chains of the so-called agribusiness. This article points out to the coexistence of different migratory flows and modalities in the region, as well to a similar space configuration in the cities surveyed, through the formation of "migrant peripheries". We also point to a sensitive formalization in the last decade of the ties in the citrus and sugarcane labor market, also analyzing this scenario from the immigrant workers’ point of view, and the meanings attributed by them to this process.




