Associativism and family agriculture: reflections on an association of rural producers in São Paulo’s countryside
Associativism, Family agriculture, Cooperation, Public policies,Abstract
This article, the result of a master's research realized between minor and medium agricultural producers in the county of Taquaritinga in the interior of São Paulo, aims to present the new arrangements, alliances and conflicts that arise from the encounter between \two types of social "agents" within the family procuction. As an analysis, we call "agents" the associated rural producers and the State as a promoter of associativism as conditionality of participation in the public policies of incentive to the family production. Thus, the main objective of the research is to understand - in a contextualized way - the agents and the forms of production that, not rarely, connect to the new public policies coming from different governmental scales. In this sense, through previous research with producers in the central region of São Paulo, we understand that these agents are characterized by the mobilization of communication and cooperation processes for the construction of political, social, economic and symbolic possibilities.
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