Modernidade e Política : o debate entre a democracia deliberativa de Rawls e Habermas e a democracia agonística de Chantal Mouffe


  • Richard Douglas Coelho Leão Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela Unesp Araraquara.
  • Arjunuyra Nascimento Furtado Faculdade de Macapá - FAMA


Modernidade, Democracia, Política, Participação


This text presents a debate established in modernity in the field of politics, more precisely between the model of deliberative democracy by John Ralws and Jürgen Habermas and the model of agonistic democracy by Chantal Mouffe. The text presents the internal debate established in the deliberative liberal democracy between Ralws and Habermas, mainly around the concepts of Theory of Justice of the former and Communicative Action of the latter. Mouffe makes a deep critical analysis of the assumptions of deliberative democracy, presenting his model of agonistic democracy, which points to the democratic construction made through dissent and debate between the different needs and specificities with a view to providing a fully participatory democracy, to the detriment of the consensus proposed by the supporters of deliberative democracy. The methodology used involves a bibliographic survey of the works that address the topic under discussion, in addition to a critical analysis of concepts such as modernity, democracy and the public use of reason. The study shows that the posture of the modern politician and the crisis in society are the result of social changes caused by the metamorphoses of capitalism, but that politics itself presents possible solutions, based on collective and citizen participation.

Author Biographies

Richard Douglas Coelho Leão, Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela Unesp Araraquara.

Doutor em Ciências Sociais na Universidade Estadual Paulista - Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Araraquara. Trabalha na área da Sociologia, da Ciência Política e da Metodologia Científica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Sociologia Contemporânea, Sociologia da Educação, Sociologia da Cultura, Sociologia do Trabalho, Políticas Públicas e Cidadania, Pensamento Político Brasileiro, Metodologia do Trabalho Científico e Teoria Política, além de experiência no magistério em Sociologia no Ensino Médio.

Arjunuyra Nascimento Furtado, Faculdade de Macapá - FAMA

Graduated in Social Sciences - Federal University of Amapá and Psychology - Faculty of Macapá, Specialist in Mental Health and Psychosocial Care by Faculty of Theology and Human Sciences of Amapá. Journalist and Broadcaster.




