Local production systems in the northwest of the metropolitan area of buenos aires. A recent analysis of the dynamics and different considerations in terms of public policies
Sistemas productivos locales, Región metropolitana, Actividades económicas, Políticas públicasAbstract
This work has as objective to analyze the evolution and dynamics of some recent local production systems based on the city's northwest metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, considering their peculiarities in economic and social terms. First, we consider the literature on local development and its scope are in metropolitan areas. Then, from census information and data from various surveys and research seeks to examine the importance of these production systems have considered the main economic activities, its weight in terms of employment, institutional support structures and the most significant development in the local level. Finally, there are the final considerations and outlines some policy guidelines for the encouragement of local productive. Keywords: Local productive systems. Metropolitan area. Economic activities. Public policies.Downloads
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