Proteção social e redução de vulnerabilidade: um olhar na redução de desigualdades socioeconômicas em Moçambique
Social;Protection; Security; Vulnerability; Intervention.Abstract
This article aims to examine the relationship between social protection, vulnerability reduction, and socio-economic inequalities in Mozambique, seeking to understand how policies and programs can contribute to the reduction of these disparities and promote a more equitable and inclusive environment. However, from the literature review conducted, several insights have been identified that can contribute to the reduction of inequalities, of which the following stand out: (1) ensuring access to quality education; (2) expanding healthcare services; (3) creating policies that strengthen the agricultural sector; (4) promoting investment in social infrastructure that enables the eradication of child labour, gender promotion, women's empowerment, and respect for human rights. The implementation of these strategies depends on coordinated actions across different spheres of society, namely political commitment and effective partnerships.
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