Recent transformations of state social control.


  • Guillermo Alfredo Johnson UFGD - Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados / Dourados – MS.



Social control, Public policies, Welfare


In the core of the transformations that the contemporary State has experienced from the last century became essential to understand the functionality of the social polity outline.
Considering the current reproduction of the economic and social system is necessary to reveal its characteristics, as well as the conjectural elements that enable its eligibility. Social policies
assume diverse scope and intensity depending on, among other variables, the powers that the State takes for granted in order to maintain the existing order. For this analysis, we focalize the idea of social control, which nowadays frequently is related to the empowerment of civil society in the perspective of an extension and realization of rights. In the State of Social Welfare, social policy stemming from the State played to great effect social stability. From the last three decades of the century, the growing institutionalization of popular participation, coupled with the profusion of supplementary income policies directed at the pyramid's base, set the reduction in
scope and intensity of social policies coming from the State. In the wake of these changes we comment about the need of maintain the social order, with the purpose of reproduction the
accumulation regime in force.



