For the wrong motives, to the wrong people and the wrong time: how the conservative arguments have destabilized the american health reform
Conservative rhetoric, Health reform, Barack Obama, Albert Hirschman,Abstract
Starting from the approval of the health reform in the USA, this article analyzeshow the opposition to the project has unfolded from the onset. The analysis here has beenfocused on two main points. The first point takes an in-depth look into how the conservativeopposition has marched out a phalanx of rhetoric aiming to disqualify the efficiency, viabilityas well as the true necessity of the approval of the project. The second point brought to lighthas to do with how the debate and discussions surrounding the project are being insertedwithin the realm of the growing political polarization that is sweeping through the length andbreadth of the country. This discussion is seen as vital once it aids to a larger extent thecomprehension of the ever-troubled American politics as well as the reasons behind the hugeopposition mounted against the administration of Barack Obama.Downloads
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