Mapping the advisory area brazilian and new forms of exchange and internationalization of recontextualization and content management
Intermediaries, Consulting firms, Consultants, Managers activitiesAbstract
The present study intends to contribute to understanding the growth process of the consulting market and its forms of activity and relationship, focusing on the actions of consulting firms and their connection to other sectors in the field of selling organizational innovations, especially the business press. The choice intends to contribute to understanding the relationship between businesses and consultants, starting with the issue of dissemination new managerial references. First, it focuses on the international consulting market, seeking to identify its characteristics, the major changes over recent decades and the particularities of the sector in Brazil. In this section of the paper, I aim, using the mapping of the different sectors present, to understand how consultants construct their own social representations and those of the consulting space, how they position their competitors, their forms of action, the dynamic of internal struggles in the area and how they relate to the sectors that interact in more direct ways with the consulting universe; especially the ranks of company managers and sectors related to the production and dissemination of organizational concepts and practices .In the second part, I focus on the changes in business and managerial space during the period. The set functions as a means to visualize the activities of management ranks facing new organizational shapes and demands, formed beginning in the 1980s and a counterpoint to the ideas originating with the consulting firms. From this starting point, I refer to the formulations that come to support the concepts associated with the growing influence of financial logic in management forms, seeking to relate them to the issues of growth and forms of consultant activities as well as the role carried out by the ranks of management in midst of these circumstances.Downloads
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