The peasant working class school formation
Rural education, School education, Working class,Abstract
This article analyzes how capitalism has influenced education nowadays, especially education that is offered to the population living in the field. It is understood that changes or adaptations in education projects are determined by the capital and put themselves in order toward the interests of the ruling class. We ask the ideological trap existing in the specific claim the student's education field, because if the training offered to children of the working class beyond "basic", or toward qualifying for the world of work, constitute a training specific, fragmented, with curricular adaptations that address the daily experience, living and working in the field, the school of the working class "is impoverished," since relinquishes the child to ensure their right to appropriate formal knowledge. Thus, we seek to reflect some elements regarding the understanding of how and why it is considered that the hegemonic conception of field education ultimately deprive the child from the field of better and more elaborate knowledge that mankind has produced and accumulated.Downloads
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