The specificities of amazon as an alternative to innovations of the capitalist agriculture
Carrying capacity, Appropriationism and Substitutionism, Amazon peasantry, Agricultural production,Abstract
This essay aims to reflect on some issues involving the alternatives built on overcoming the limitations that characterized the pursuit of obtaining food for humanity , especially by capitalist society , and how the Amazon falls within that context. Therefore, this work is divided into five parts: a) theories of carrying capacity (Malthus and Ester Boserup) ; b ) appropriationism and substitutionism as movements of industrial capital on agriculture ; c ) social organization as a condition in the production and agrarian relations ; d ) the pernicious results of capitalist innovations on agriculture ; e) the Amazon facing new dilemmas of agricultural production . This last section describes the advancing frontier of the Amazon and the consequences inherent in that process in the rural landscape of the region , marked by a logical interface between country and city . It is concluded that the practices of the Amazon peasantry can be understood as an alternative to the procedures described in the article on the impasses of agricultural production.Downloads
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