Food security in developing countries: reality and prospects
Food and Nutrition Security, Developing Countries, Indicators,Abstract
Over the past decades, the subject food security has caused actions at global level. An effort has been made by various countries that have joined to reach the Millennium Development Goals, between these, the overcoming hunger. This research intended to describe a profile about some indicators, which are directly linked to food and nutritional insecurity in 23 developing countries belonging to Commercial G-20, and thus obtain an overview of realities and prospects of those countries on this topic. The research has an exploratory feature and, for this, was used the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO, 2013) Statistical Yearbook’s database, that look to mains indicators associated that hunger´s dimensions, among them: the number undernourished and their prevalence in the population, the food availability, education and health. The results point to improvement of these indicators in analyzed countries, emphasizing the importance of the emerging nations to global food and nutrition insecurity reduction.
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