Social sciences: between evaluation and relevance




Autonomy, Social sciences, Evaluation system, Scientometry,


The post-graduation evaluation system implemented in Brazil ensured that scientific research undertaken in Brazilian public universities remained resistant to the threats they frequently suffer. However, the more hegemonic the system became, the more researchers turned the rules into the very notion of scientific relevance, reducing the capacity of social science to influence other fields of knowledge. This work analyses this process and notices how it leads, paradoxically, to the loss of autonomy in the social sciences field due to the importance of the media and the strong demand for more utilitarian research. As a conclusion, it defends the autonomy of the field of social sciences and the public university but by other means, which reallocates their capacity to act in the world, distorting the fields of order.


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Author Biography

Michel Nicolau Netto, UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Campinas – SP – Brasil. 13081-970

Professor do Departamento Sociologia do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH/Unicamp) e coordenador geral de Pós-Graduação do IFCH/Unicamp. Doutor em Sociologia pela Unicamp, com estágio de doutorado na Humboldt Universität de Berlim, tem pós-doutorado em Sociologia pela Unicamp. Foi visiting scholarno ILAS/Columbia University, nos EUA, e foi visiting fellow, na London School of Economics and Political Science, Inglaterra. É membro do Grupo de Estudos de Práticas Culturais Contemporâneas – GEPRACC, PUC-SP, e líder do Grupo de Estudos em Pierre Bourdieu – GEBU, Unicamp. É autor dos livros Música Brasileira e Identidade Nacional na Mundialização (2009) e O Discurso da Diversidade e a World Music (2014).



How to Cite

NETTO, M. N. Social sciences: between evaluation and relevance. Estudos de Sociologia, Araraquara, v. 24, n. 46, 2019. DOI: 10.52780/res.12345. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.