Who propagates the post-truth?
The dissemination of negationist speeches and fake news by fundamentalist religious groups in Brazil
Religion sciences, Fake news, Post-truth, Negationist, FundamentalismAbstract
The article seeks to ponder on the following questions: What are the sociocultural groups and movements responsible for disseminating Fake News, propagating negationist discourses, and disseminating post-truths in Brazil today? Who are the recipients and reproducers of these fundamentalist discourses? Are there limits to religious freedom and expression? And what is the role of the religion scientist, imbued with the prerogatives of the decolonial/intercultural paradigm, in the face of the problems related to the intensification of fundamentalisms and their respective arbitrary and uncompromising practices in the sociocultural field? To this end, the understanding of the category’s "pluralism", "secularism" and "fundamentalism" will be explored. The discussion is based on the contributions of authors who dedicated themselves to the reflection of such problems from the epistemological field of the sciences of religion and sociology of religion.
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