Conceptions of control and social spaces transformation
a Santa Casa’s struggles and configurations
Santa casa, Field Theory, Concepts of control, Strategic action fieldAbstract
The research was developed under a relational sociological approach based on the Strategic Action Field (SAF) theory and investigates the conceptions of control of an organization in the health area: Santa Casa de Mogi Mirim-SP. The method adopted in the research, of qualitative and historical character, presents a case study involving documental research allied to a field research through interviews. The data obtained were analyzed considering four categories: Field agents, Origin of financial resources, Role of the State and Performance of the Sector. From this analysis, four conceptions of control were identified: Charitable, Nosocomic, Mercantile and Semi-Public, evidencing the dynamics of Santa Casa as a SAF, observing the (re)positioning of each of the agents with in the fields involved – especially the role of the State – demonstrating its performance, influence and transformations and contributing to an important debate on the dynamics and forms of control of the Santas Casas.
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