Prostitution and the art of performance: dissident sexualities in contemporary literature
Body, Performance, Prostitution, Writing,Abstract
Performance in the area of prostitution is present – in addition to nightclubs, motels, “mateis”, hotels and streets - in contemporary narratives, more specifically, autofictions and autobiographies of Brazilian prostitutes and ex-prostitutes. In order to understand how the writing and consolidation of such writings are given, through questions related to prostitution, the works E se eu fosse puta (2016) by Amara Moira, O prazer é todo nosso (2014), by Lola Benvenutti, and O manuscrito de Sônia (2005), by Mariana Brasil, will be listed and presented. At first, we focus on the paratextual elements, supported by the concept of paratexts by Genette (2009) and of performativity by Butler (2012). Subsequently, it will be a question of how bodies relate to and present themselves in prostitution, based on studies by Rago (2008). Finally, we will address the language and writing issues lived and reported by both of the writers – how the performances of the autobiographical writing of this body that enacts the prostitute character are. Therefore, we will seek support in the analysis undertaken by Evando Nascimento (2014). Substantial for the present study is the investigative and comparative research, which allows the tracing of individual profiles and, at the same time, gives rise to a collectivity.
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