Wilson Bueno and the (trans) gender: a reading of Mar paraguayo and Jardim Zoológico
Gender, Jardim Zoológico, Mar paraguayo, Wilson Bueno,Abstract
Starting from the understanding of gender as a social and discursive construction, this paper’s proposal is to analyze the description of the (trans) gender from the narrating protagonist of Mar paraguayo (1992) and in “as yararás”, a story from Jardim zoológico (1999), both works by Wilson Bueno (1949-2010). In the discussions about the conceptualization of gender the theoretical considerations of Rogério Puga (s.d.), Heloísa Buarque de Holanda (1994), Roberto Echavarren (1998; 2007), and others are used. Thus, is it from a brief literary course of the writer Wilson Bueno that we present both stories and finally analyze the existing connections between Mar paraguayo and “as yararás”, associating them to the (trans) gender – androgynous and mutant – from the hybrid definitions of gender attributed to both the faceless doll and the “yararás”. We conclude that both characters can be arranged in a general in-betweenness, as creatures out of gender that exceed the notions of men and women, male and female.
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