Literature and racial minorities in Canada

towards a critical postcolonial pedagogy


  • Rodrigo da Rosa Pereira FURG – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Instituto de Letras e Artes. Rio Grande – RS – Brasil.


Post-colonialism, Canadian literature, Racial minorities, Pedagogy


Concerned with the Canadian context, this study proposes a critique as a strategy to access a time relatively ignored in historical-literary manuals. Particularly focused on the discussion of ethnic-racial issues in literary education, elements are provided for the understanding of post-colonial literature in its interface with pedagogical relations, in the face of marginalization in curricula, and the absence in the canon of the literary production of minority groups in Canada. Thus, there is herein a commitment to opening borders through a critical and theoretical movement capable of overcoming the rigidity of traditional limits in the interpretation of the world, resulting in more flexible, plural, and heterogeneous readings of Canadian literature, as opposed to totalizing understandings remaining from colonialist discourse.





Postcolonial literatures and the shapes of the contemporary