The epic presence in the work of João Cabral de Melo Neto
Morte e vida severina, Auto do frade, Epic theater, HybridismAbstract
This work is an approach to the poetry and theater of João Cabral de Melo Neto from the epic point of view, in order to recognize in Morte e vida severina (1955) and in Auto do frade (1984) epic matters that support the affirmation of the hybrid character of two works, without, however, having any intention of fixing or categorizing them, but, on the contrary, intending to put into practice the thought-provoking exercise of contemplating them in the light of hybridism in the literature. For this, the presence of the two plans that integrate epic works (the historical and the mythical) will be highlighted, configuring the epic matter: the representation of heroism and the aesthetic specificities that draw this hybridity. In addition, the approach aims to be a tribute to the centenary of João Cabral de Melo Neto, who, in 2020, would have turned 100 years old.
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